Have I changed my hopes for fears and my dreams for plans?

Jag hittade en dikt pa natet idag som beskriver mig perfekt. Jag har gatt och funderat hela veckan pa vart min plats i livet ar, varfor hittar jag den inte? Den plats i livet dar jag ar lycklig eller atminstonde inte gar och grammer mig over det jag inte har. Dar jag kan vara stolt over vad jag astadkommit under dagen, veckan, manaden... Jag har surrat omkring i ovisshet alldeles for lange nu. Tidigare slets jag mellan att ha ett välbetalt jobb (efter en lang utbildning) och det som jag tycker ar kul (som kanske ar mer av hobbys?) och inte ger sa mycket pengar. Man maste ju hitta en balans! Men just i detta nu skiter jag i pengarna, jag vill bara gora det jag alskar och se vart det tar mig! Hur ska man tänka?

Many people don’t have what they love to have in their lives
simply because they are afraid to make the decision to have it.
They are afraid of what they may miss out on if they make their
decision to have what they love. Will they miss out on what they
currently have or will they miss out on what they could have?
What if no one approves of their decision, will they then be
missing out on the approval of others? What if they make
the wrong decision, will they then feel unworthy?

The moment you are afraid to make a decision based on
missing out, you have just missed out on
making a decision for what you love and instead you will be
presented with a decision to be made from fear.


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