Barcelona rocks!

I have some friends that wanted me to write in English, so this is especially for you Priya!! :) Barcelona is great. Still cold as hell, but comparing it to Sweden it rocks!! This is my second day at work and it has been better today than yesterday, when I didnt have anything to do... I have been walking around the city and actually managed to take some photos ;) I'll put them up in a moment!! Today has been a great change for me as Im starting to feel very comfortabe in the city. How to get to different places and meeting many new people.

Well tonight is partynight again so prepare to get more Barcelona by night pics tomorrow :D woohoo!!

Otros amigos qieren que escrito en Espanol. Vale, Hoy mi trabajo ha estado mas divertido que ayer. Me gusta Barcelona mas y mas cada dia. Pero ahora mismo tiene mucho frio!! Es como Suecia!!

Äh, jag vet inte om det där vart gramatiskt rätt någonstans :) Men kul var det.

Un beso


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